Friday, March 4, 2016


 Tonight after work/school Autumn & I met up w/ Donna & Abbey for dinner and a movie. We eat at Wendy's b/c it's close to the theater and the food is cheap. After we ate we went to see Zootopia.

 It was a cute movie b/c it had funny stuff for the kids, but also had humor that only adults would pick up on. I do have to say that there are some scary/intense parts and Autumn was so affected by them that she had to sleep w/ me tonight when we got home. I don't recommend this movie for little kids b/c of the scary scenes. It was a super fun evening out w/ Donna & Abbey.

 When we got home, Humphrey the Hamster was going crazy (which is part of the reason Autumn wanted to sleep in my room). He was climbing up his cage, chewing on the top of the cage, and hanging there like a monkey! It was really funny.
 Humphrey still won't let us hold him w/out nipping at us. But, I hold the cage door open and he stands on it and I'm able to pet him that way. Sometimes we have to take his wheel out at night b/c it's so stinkin' loud and keeps us all awake. He sure is a cute little thing, though!

1 comment:

Jen T said...

My youngest wants to see that movie. Thanks for the warning of the scary stuff. It doesn't look scary from the previews. Glad you are home and getting adjusted! Love the hamster photos!