Friday, May 13, 2016

Bye, Luna & Showcase 2016

 Today was a sad day for Ms. Lori. Her "baby" Luna is going away for several months for training to be a hunting dog. Today was Luna's last day in the office. This was Luna when she first came to us a few months ago ...

 ... and this is Luna now! It's crazy to think how much she's grown & changed in such a short amount of time. Poor Lori won't know what do do with herself come Monday.

 Autumn & I came home, had dinner, and then went over the local high school for the drill team & flag core's Showcase. Their theater is AMAZING & it gives me major envy, b/c my theater in high school was nothing like this. The show was amazing & so professional!

 Autumn wanted to get a selfie while we took a break during intermission. She thought she was so cool b/c she stuffed a bunch of Skittles into her mouth before we went back in, and there is a sign that says no food or drink inside the auditorium. LOL!

We knew 7 girls from church that were performing tonight, so we brought them all a package of 100 Grand candy bars w/ a cute note attached. I can't believe Kylie is a Senior and that this is her last performance! It was a great night, and I'm glad were able to be there to enjoy the fine arts and support those 7 girls we know and love! It was a LONG show and we didn't get home until 10:30! I made Autumn go straight to bed, b/c we have a big day tomorrow.

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