Thursday, May 12, 2016

Sour Milk

 I left work early today so I could go get Autumn & take her to the dentist. I probably shouldn't admit this, but she hasn't been to the dentist in several years. I don't have dental insurance on her, b/c it's over $100 a month, and I figured I'd rather just pay out of pocket when she does need to go to the dentist instead of spending over $1,200 a year on insurance (which covers hardly anything). I was SHOCKED when they showed me the x-ray saying she had no cavities! YAY!!! They said that she has the mouth of what you would normally see in a 12 year old (she's only 9). She will need braces b/c she has a big overbite.

We came home, and hurried to eat dinner before leaving for volleyball practice. Autumn wanted a bowl of cereal, so she got it all fixed, we said the prayer, she took a bite, and then got up and ran over to the sink and spit her food out. I asked her what in the world was wrong and she said the milk was sour. I am dumb and wanted to see for myself, so I tried a little bit and she was right. It was DISGUSTING! We were both laughing so hard b/c she had taken a big ol' spoonful of it! She poured it down the drain and cleaned out the inside w/ water so we could recycle the container.

I dropped her off at volleyball and then went to the $1 Store to get a few things for girls camp, and also to get a few things to organize my pantry. Ross is right next door, so I went over there just to window shop. I should have known better, b/c I ended up buying a pair of sandals. I hadn't planned on buying anything, but Ross NEVER has size 12 in women's shoes. I was shocked when I found them and tried them on. They fit great, look great, and were a great price. I went and got Autumn from volleyball practice, she came home and showered, and then we called it a night.

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