Sunday, July 3, 2016

Sunday Silliness

Since I've been slacking on taking pictures of Autumn & me in our church clothes on Sunday mornings, I'll just have to post a few silly Snapchat pics instead. My patriotic spiritual thought & red, white, and blue M&M's went well in ward council. I made sure to put them in baggies to send home w/ people since it's Fast Sunday. Riannon & Olivia sat w/ us during sacrament meeting since Nate was working and it's too hard for Riannon to wrangle Olivia alone during their ward.

My lesson in YW about temple ordinances went well. The main take away that I think will stick w/ most of the YW is something that I heard Pres. Uchtdorf say once. CTR stands for Choose The Right when you're in Primary, but when you're in YW and beyond it stands for Current Temple Recommend. I made sure the YW know they can have a CTR from the time they turn 12 and on.

I made Nick do this Snapchat pic and send it to Savi. BA HA HA! After church we had lunch, got in our jammies, and just relaxed the rest of the evening. I'm thankful for Sundays when we can spend time together and recharge our batteries before facing another work week.

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