Monday, September 5, 2016

Happy Labor Day 2016

 We woke up today (it was great to sleep in a little bit) and got some work done around the house (it is LABOR Day after all). The L girls came over at 10:00 so Autumn could show them her new hamsters. They had fun playing in her room, making up cheers, and giggling. I'm so thankful she has such great friends.

 We took them home & went over to Papa & Mimi's. It was so cute to see Olivia out mowing the lawn w/ Papa. It brought back memories of when Autumn was small enough to do that.

 Robert & Maggie came over at 12:30 and we had a BBQ. We had hamburgers, salad, chips, dip, drinks, and dessert.

 Olivia was ALL about the frosting on the cupcakes.

 She even talked Uncle Robert into eating some with her. LOL! Look at how she has it all over her hands.

 After we ate, we had a GREAT time swimming in the pool and playing. Look at how strong I am ... I can hold Mimi, Autumn, & Olivia. We were laughing about how dark Autumn's legs are compared to Mimi's. We're all super jealous of her gorgeous brown skin.

 After we were all worn out from swimming and being out in the sun, we came into the house to relax. We watched some TV and Papa was so cute to get down on the floor and play "animals" w/ Olivia.

 Mimi made us some popcorn, and Olivia was CRACKING.US.UP!!! Papa would put his hand into the popcorn container and leave it there on purpose to see what Olivia would do since she couldn't get her hand in at the same time. Eventually she would get mad, pull his hand out, and say to him "No more Papa, you've had enough!" We were laughing so hard.

 Autumn & I came home so we could relax a little bit before it was time for cheer practice. A lot of her team members were missing b/c it's a holiday. But, Autumn said it was a good practice and they got a lot accomplished.

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