Friday, March 31, 2017

Goodbye Lori

 Work today was SO SAD b/c Lori & the rest of the crew that has housed their business in our office have moved to their own location. I went over there at lunch to check out their new digs. Lori said I can move in w/ them and this can be my office space. LOL!

They ordered pizza for lunch, so I stayed to eat and socialize w/ them. I am going to miss them sooooooo much! The office is going to be way too quiet w/ out them. But, we'll stay in touch b/c they're only a few miles away. Lori & I can get together and go to lunch at least once or twice a month. Just one more big change going on in my life right now to get used to!

After work, I stopped by Costco to get a few groceries for General Conference weekend. Autumn & I didn't have anything going on tonight, so after dinner I had her work on homework. It's stuff she should have turned in earlier this week but she didn't get it done. So, we spent most of the night doing that. Mom & Dad made it to Utah safely today, and we're so thankful!

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