Monday, April 24, 2017

Lunch, Bowling, & FHE

 Frank & Grant both have Mondays off, so they decided to stay one more day. Grant wanted to go to a guitar store, so that's what they did this morning. Then they came to my work and took me out to lunch. It was SO FUN to get to see them during my work day. I am a LUCKY LADY!!!

 They went & got Autumn from daycare and then Frank treated them to frozen yogurt.

 For Family Home Evening tonight, we decided to go bowling.

 It was SO CUTE to see Frank giving Autumn some pointers and tips on how to keep the ball out of the gutter.

 We played for an hour and were able to get 2 games done in that time. Grant one the first game, and Frank won the 2nd game. Autumn & I just had fun.

 Then we went over to the arcade area to play some games. Autumn & I had fun playing air table hockey.

 Frank & Grant played 2 games of pool. I STINK at that, but they were pretty good.

After all that fun, everyone was starvin' Marvin, so we went to Cici's pizza for dinner. Frank & Grant had never been to one and I knew they are hungry guys. I like it, b/c they also have a salad bar so I could make healthy choices. It was a FUN & FANTASTIC Family Home Evening w/ our guys!

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