Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Second Official Date Night

 Frank came down again this evening after training so we could go out on our 2nd official date. Liz was an angel & babysat Autumn for us. Someone gave me a gift card for my birthday to a super fancy movie theater where they have reclining lounge chairs. You can also order food & drinks and they'll bring them to you. We saw Beauty & The Beast b/c Frank hadn't seen it yet. We felt so fancy & posh to be so catered to. It was awesome!

 The sunset was so gorgeous tonight. I called Liz to let her know we were done, and she said to take our time. So, we went to WalMart to get a cable for Frank to hook up the DVD player to the sound system he set up for me a while ago. We also walked around and got a few other things we needed. It was fun to just leisurely shop together.

 Then we went to a frozen yogurt place b/c I had a hanerkin' for their avocado frozen yogurt. Frank was loving all the options for all the toppings.

We have SO MUCH FUN together and he keeps me laughing all the time. We keep saying how wonderful & amazing it is to get to just spend time together and create memories. I have no idea what I've done to deserve the love & admiration of such an incredible man, but I do NOT take it for granted at all. My prayers are so full of joy & gratitude for him.

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