Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy 32nd Birthday To Me

P1030584 Autumn looked so cute this morning, that we had to get a picture by the fence before heading off to school.  I could only find one of her pink bows, so I did one pink and one green, which matched her outfit perfectly.  She loved it and thought she was hot stuff b/c she got to wear 2 different colored bows.

P1030587 There was some THICK FOG this morning.  I kept telling Autumn it was like we were driving in a cloud.  It was kind of cool, but the visibility was really bad.  I dropped her off and then headed to work.  People were SO DUMB just b/c of the fog and one car ran a completely red light, which had been red for about 15 seconds!  Luckily, no one was coming through the intersection right then.

P1030590 The fog burned off by late morning, and I went to Market Street and got my favorite pannini and sweet potato fries for my birthday lunch.  I told the guy that takes my order (we know each other by name now b/c I go in there once a week) that it was my birthday and he gave me 2 pickles and a larger than normal portion of sweet potato fries.  Woo hoo!  I love it, b/c they have Cherry Coke on tap.
 P1030592-1 When I went to pick Autumn up today, her teacher was still there.  She’s usually gone by the time I get there.  I had a great chat with her and she said Autumn was the student of the week!  That means she gets to be line leader and help her teacher w/ things she needs done around the classroom.  Her teacher has a PhD and we just love her.  She really truly loves and cares about the kids.  She was telling me that Autumn told her what she wants for Christmas.  I thought for sure she was going to say a pink Barbie, b/c that’s all Autumn has talked about for weeks.  But Autumn told her teacher that she wants a husband for Christmas!  LOL!  That totally shocked me.  Her teacher asked her why she wanted a husband and what husbands do.  Autumn told her that husbands hug you and kiss you and take good care of you!  Her teacher and I were both saying that if Autumn is getting a husband for Christmas then we both want one too!  What a kid.  Here is the little write up they did about Autumn:

Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Movie: Jasmine(Aladdin)
Favorite Food: Chicken Nuggets (which is funny to me b/c we don’t ever have those at home)
Favorite Place To Go:  The Park
Favorite Person: Mimi
Favorite Hobby:  Color & Dance
When I Grow Up I Want To Be:  A Police Officer

She even got a certificate stating that she’s the Student of the Week and her teacher gave her a sticker/coloring kit.  Autumn asked if we could put her certificate in my Project Life book.  I love that she is involved in it and that having her things in our book makes her feel special.  She was beaming from ear to ear and I am so happy for her!

IMG_3797 We met Mom & Dad at our house and then all went out to Cheddars for dinner to celebrate my birthday.  We were going to go to Napoli’s b/c I love that place and even had a coupon for it, but they are closed on Monday’s.  Mom had just flown in from Germany a few hours earlier and was so jet lagged but was a good sport about coming to eat, even though I’m sure all she wanted to do was sleep.  Our waiter was a weird duck and kept telling really lame jokes and trying way too hard to impress us.  He kept trying to get us to order an appetizer and we told him no thanks, so when he walked by our table w/ a plate of chips and salsa for another table he said, “See what you’re missing out on?  This could have been yours!”  EWWW!  Who does that?  Anyways, we had an enjoyable meal despite having a weird server.  We even got a cookie monster to celebrate.

IMG_3801Mom & Dad dropped us off at home so Mom could go home and crash, and I noticed that Nick had hung up big die cuts of presents and party hats and birthday cakes all over the house.  Mom had given them to him to put up before she left, and he was going to do it last night but I stayed up too late working on Project Life, so he just did it while I was at work today.  Mom even gave him some plastic window stickers that he put up on my mirror.  I folded laundry and put it away while watching Hoarders on A&E.  It was the worst case I’ve seen so far b/c this old lady would just pee in empty juice bottles and leave pooped in diapers all over house b/c she had no water or electricity!!!  SO SAD!  I got Autumn to bed and baked some cookies b/c I needed to use up the chocolate chip dough we had and then Nick & I watched Whose Line. 

It was a great way to end a great birthday!  I got SO MANY happy birthday wishes on Facebook today, and it made me feel so special.  I made it a point to respond to each and every comment, b/c I want people to know that I truly and sincerely appreciate their love and friendship.  Relationships are so important, and I wanted people to know that I’m glad they are a part of my life.  Anyways, I’m excited to see what my 32nd year of life brings.  I hope it’s the best year of my life yet.

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