Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dad Is The New Hansel & Gretel

P1040086 Autumn was sick again this morning, so Mom & Dad were awesome and watched her for me.  When I got off of work, I went over to their house and we had dinner.  Dad was cutting through a roll, but it was hard as a rock, so I told him to go nuke it in the microwave for a few seconds to soften it up.  He did and came back to the table and we were all eating when all of a sudden he said, “Who made this mess?”  We asked him what mess and looked at the floor to see a bunch of crumbs.  Mom said, “you did Hansel & Gretel!”  We were laughing so hard, b/c Dad made that mess when he went to microwave his roll and unknowingly left a trail of bread crumbs leading to the kitchen.

P1040088 Mom got these yummy coconut M&M’s to try and they were super good.  I’ll have to keep my eyes open for them at the store.

P1040090Autumn had fun getting to spend the day playing at Papa & Mimi’s.  She especially loved getting to snuggle w/ Rufio.  We stayed and talked for a little while and then had to head home to sleep.  I’m hoping Autumn’s cough will go away so she can go to daycare tomorrow.

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