Friday, October 25, 2019

Autumn's Special Experience With The Holy Ghost

 I was so sad when I got up this morning & Frank said that he was taking Marissa & the girls home today instead of tomorrow. I guess Julian's only got a big part in the play tonight instead of Saturday like we thought. So, I helped them get all packed up and out the door. I'm going to miss sweet Addilyn.

Alisa is going to miss her frenemy! Once they left, I put Alisa back to bed b/c she was tired since it was so early. I got A LOT done. I cleaned up the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, and our bedroom. It felt good to get so much accomplished.

Mom & Dad & a couple from their mission came over to say hi. They said it was cold in the house, but I was hot and sweaty from working. We visited for a while, and it was nice b/c the house was so quiet.

 At 12:30 Shannon came over and brought a Panera salad & soup for my belated birthday lunch. It was so great to sit and talk with her about our lives. I just love her so much. She is so loving & kind and full of wisdom. I cherish her friendship.

This picture represents a really special experience that happened to Autumn. We went to Wendy's for dinner for the 4 for $4 since it was just us girls. After we sat down to eat, Autumn asked me if I had seen the homeless man on the other side of the fireplace. I hadn't even noticed him at all. She told me I had to go look, so I went to refill my drink and sure enough, there was a man asleep in a chair like the one behind Autumn's head.

He was dirty and had a backpack next to him and looked homeless. Autumn said that we needed to do something for him. I told her I had no problem going over and gently nudging him awake to ask him if I could buy him a meal. But, the Holy Ghost let me know that Autumn needed to be the one to do something, not me.

I told her that, and she started to freak out a little bit. That is way outside of her comfort zone. I told her SHE was the one that noticed him and not me, b/c the Holy Ghost wanted HER to do something to help him, not me. She decided to give him the hamburger from her meal that she hadn't eaten or unwrapped. She asked if I had a pass-along card, and I just happened to have several in my wallet.

She picked one she thought he would like, mustered up her courage, and took the pass-along card and hamburger over and set them on the table in front of him. She didn't want to disturb him by waking him up. We were done eating, so we went ahead and left.

As soon as we got in the car, she started bawling. She said that it was most likely due to hormones. I told her it's b/c she just had a very special and powerful interaction w/ the Holy Ghost. She was prompted to help someone and she listened and acted on it. I told her I was so PROUD of her!

Papa & Mimi called & said to come over and have dinner w/ them and their visitors. We had just finished eating, but we went anyway just to hang out and have fun. Alisa warmed right up to them b/c she sensed they were a Papa & Mimi too. We had fun talking and eating and laughing.

When we got home, a friend from church had left these treats on the front porch. I feel so loved and special!

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