Thursday, October 24, 2019

Happy 40th Birthday To Me!!!

 I woke up to this fun yard sign that Liz & Liberty had put out last night. They were trying to be stealth, but I was on my way home from dropping the kids off at youth activities and I saw them. So, I drove past the house and came back when they were gone. SO SWEET!

 I actually had to go into the office today b/c it's the only day this week that my boss was going to be in town. I didn't mind though, b/c it was quiet and I was able to get a lot done. When I got home, I was completely surprised to see that Marissa had decorated the dining room for me. I felt so special!

 I had planned on just a no-frills birthday, but everyone kept asking what we were doing to celebrate so earlier this week I had Frank text everyone to tell them to come over for cake & ice cream. It was a little bit of a madhouse with so many little kids, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Having our home full of joy & laughter from friends & family fills my heart.

 Spencer being cute & holding the 2 polka dot girls.

 Here's our whole motley crew. LOVE them ALL!

 Cute cousins

 Liz gave me these awesome 40 glasses to wear, but of course, Bitters wanted a turn. I think she rocks them better than me.

There was the most amazing rainstorm tonight (which I LOVE), and the girls were getting restless before bedtime so I took them out on the front porch to watch it for a little bit. They loved it too.

For it being a "big" birthday, it didn't phase me at all to be turning 40. I had planned on losing a lot of weight again like I did when Mom & Dad got home from their first mission. That way I could be FIT & FABULOUS & FORTY. But instead I am happy being FAT & FABULOUS & FORTY.

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