Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Work & Snoozin' With Snakes

 I am so happy that the loaner car I'm using (my car is in the shop) has SXM radio so I can get my Christmas music fix on my commute.

 I had to go into the office today b/c they were having a sales meeting. They decided on Schlotzsky's for lunch instead of the usual Chick-Fil-A. The sandwiches were HUGE & there were so many leftovers that I was able to take them home & I didn't have to cook dinner tonight. YAY!

 Riannon called to say that she had found some free formula on Facebook for Marissa, so I hopped in the car to meet up with a lady to pick it up. Alisa & I also stopped by our favorite kid's consignment shop. I was able to sell a super nice diaper bag & baby wrap that someone had given us, but Savi & Marissa didn't want. I used that money to get Alisa some 3T footed jammies like the one she's wearing. She is going to LIVE in those this fall & winter. On the way home, Mimi called & said to grab some Chick-Fil-A & come over so they could love on Alisa. Too bad Autumn hadn't wanted to come with me to get the formula. She'll be so jealous when she sees this pic.

 Mimi busted out her "Snoozin' With Snakes" quilt she had made a long time ago. They hid a package of M&M's inside one of the snake's mouths and tried to get Alisa to find it. She was too interested in laying down on the quilt & rolling around.

Autumn's hair is so long that it goes the whole length of this slide! WOW! She said she wants to grow it out to be even longer!

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