Wednesday, April 23, 2008

OC vs. NYC

One of my guilty pleasures is on Bravo TV and it's the Real Housewives of Orange County, Season 3. I just started watching it this year, and it's kind of a dumb show, but I still like it. Well, while the show isn't on for the summer, Bravo has a new one called the Real Housewives of New York City, Season 1. I can't really even explain why, but I like the OC housewives WAY better than the NYC housewives. There's this post on another blog that explains really well the differences between the two groups of housewives. I guess I must be a West Coast girl vs. an East Coast girl b/c I like the OC better.

The NYC wives just fight all the time, their accents get on my nerves, and they just come across as snotty brats. The two that I do like are Bethenny and the Baroness. Alex is a snob that thinks she's better than everyone else and her and her husband are trying to climb the social ladder. Jill has this over the top, in your face personality that just grates on my nerves. Ramona is too loud, too childish, and has no social graces at all. Luann is a Baroness by marriage and she seems pretty down to Earth and friendly. Bethenny is my favorite, b/c she just seems normal and she has some awesome one liners. The NYC housewives just make everything so major and dramatic and over the top. I guess another reason I don't like it is that all the NYC housewives didn't even all know each other or were all friends. Maybe some of my New York friends (Jeremy, Brian, Penny, and Sloane) can tell me if that's how life really is in the Big Apple?

If you've seen both shows, which housewives do you prefer?


~Penny~ said... in the big apple. It is defintely a dog eat dog world up here. I can see how our accents would get annoying. I mean my sisters accent is horrible and it grates on my nerves but then I realize, I have the same one. Ugh.

Anyway, Manhattanites, and rich Manhattanites at that are a whole different breed. I couldn't watch it. The show was horrible and depicted us real NYers in a horrible light:)

So, no that is NOT how it is up here. Thankfully! Anytime you are in town, I would be happy to show you some real NY!

Mrstx said...

Okay I would have to say OC housewives all the way. They are a little more botoxed but much less abrasive than the NY housewives. Except for Bethenney. She is my BFF. She just doesn't know it yet. :D