Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Poopy Pants

Well, Autumn and I were playing on the floor and I had her sitting on my tummy while I sniffed her feet and pretended like they were super stinky, b/c that makes her laugh like crazy. Next thing I know, I heard her tummy rumble, a loud noise, and then a BLOW OUT! I had baby poop all over my shirt and all over my pants.

Oh, well. I guess that is what comes with the territory of being a mom. Thank goodness for washers and laundry detergent. I'm sure some people are thinking, "Why didn't you go clean that off right away instead of getting your camera and taking a picture?" Well, it's the everyday stuff like this that needs to be caught on film and it only took an extra 10 seconds to grab my camera and have Nick take a picture. As soon as we took this picture, those clothes went straight into the washer. This wasn't the first time I was pooped on, and I'm pretty sure it won't be the last.



Tell Autumn way to go. I love her face in the pictures like she is saying "Me, what did I do?" Oh I miss you guys and I love looking at your blog. I guess Autumn finally did go to sleep so you could blog. YEAH!!!

Kim and Adam said...

That is to funny, it's true being a mom just means you are going to be pooped on! She is such a CUTIE!!!

Janet said...

You will be so glad you took a picture. I wish I would of taken a picture of some of those awful times to remember later on. And have proof when my kids don't believe me.