Thursday, August 20, 2009

Great Things

IMG_1179 Last night after we got home from work/school. I was craving brownies, so Autumn helped me make some. Anytime I bake or cook something, she wants to be right there on the counter to “help” me. I love that and hope she’ll always wants to be involved in what I’m doing. She found a fork and decided to clean out the bowl w/ it. She cracks me up and I love having her as my little shadow in the kitchen.

IMG_1182 Today we were at work and had a special visitor come visit. Don, who was in a horrific car accident, came to see us. It was SO GOOD to see him again. He was walking just as if nothing had ever happened, which really is a miracle. He is going back to school and seems to be doing extremely well. Liz had a gazillion questions to ask him and we’re just so glad that he is doing so well. Thank you to everyone who kept him in your thoughts and prayers. He really is a walking miracle.

IMG_1185 On the way home, Mom called again and said to come over and get some dinner. She made some Thai chicken pasta and some veggies. It was DELICIOUS!!!

IMG_1186 Autumn is definitely not your average 2 1/2 year old. She LOVES veggies. She ate all of Dad’s veggies and then wanted the ones off of my plate. She took her fork and was scraping them off of my plat onto her plate, and she even ate them all! I am glad she takes after her Mama and likes to eat her veggies. People always ask me how I got so tall and I jokingly say it’s b/c I ate all my veggies when I was little…well, maybe she’ll grow up to be a tall Amazon woman like me.

IMG_1188 She has to be in the middle of everything. First she sat on Dad’s lap and helped him eat his food. Then she came and sat on my lap and helped me eat my food. After that it was time to climb all over Mom. Look how she squeezed herself between Mom & the chair and how she’s standing on Mom’s butt!!! LOL! At least she is cute about it and wanted to give Mom kisses.

IMG_1189 Then she wanted to lay all over on Mom. It’s like having a cute little monkey on your back. I love this picture of the two of them…such joy and love.

IMG_1191 After dinner, we played Wii bowling. Autumn likes to “help” us bowl. We let her use one of the remotes when it’s not our turn. Then we had to rush home so I could put Autumn to bed (she was up until 9:30 last night and was a beast to wake up this morning). I spent the rest of the evening watching Project Runway. I cannot believe that Daniel won the Project Runway All Stars Challenge. His sports outfits were AWFUL! I can’t think of anyone I know that would ever want to wear those clothes. However, I LOVED Korto’s clothes and soooo wish that she had won.

1 comment:

Desperately Seeking Gina said...

Do you think if I start eating more veggies I'll grow taller too? I could use a mid-life growth spurt! {only up..and not out!}