Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bye Bye, Mimi & Bachelorette

IMG_7106 After work & school today, Autumn & I went over to Mom & Dad’s to spend time w/ Mom before she leaves for Utah.  Autumn loves getting snuggles from Mimi.

IMG_7107 Mom will kiss her all over her face and Autumn will giggle and say, “No more tisses, Mimi.”  That just makes Mom kiss her more and makes Autumn laugh even more.  They are so cute together.  We had left overs from Sunday dinner for dinner tonight.  Dad had borrowed To Kill A Mockingbird from Monzingos yesterday and wanted to watch it b/c it’s a classic.  I hate, loathe, abhor, despise and dislike that book b/c one of my English teachers made us spend a whole month dissecting that book and the symbolism.  I remember one of our assignments was to keep a daily journal as if we were one of the characters.  I remember making up a bunch of crap.  Anyways, I didn’t like that book to say the least and the movie was slow, but I’m glad I watched it.  I would never watch it again, but it was good to see once.

IMG_7110 After the movie, Autumn & I said our good byes to Mimi and then came home so Autumn could go to bed.  Nick stayed home w/ her so I could go watch the Bachelorette finale w/ Mary & Karri.  Mary showed up w/ a big huge quilt she is making for Brian before he leaves for college on Wednesday.  She was ironing the seams while we watched the show and is so incredibly talented.

IMG_7111She made it through the finale, but then fell asleep during the After The Final Rose show.  I am glad that Ali let Chris go before the final date & rose ceremony b/c it saved him from getting hurt even more than if he went all the way to the end.  I love Roberto and have since day one and hope that she will be happy with him.  I worry that she will always be second guessing herself, b/c she kept saying that he is way too good looking for her.  Chris would have loved and cherished and adored her.  I hope he’ll be the next Bachelor and that he’ll get a group of good and sincere girls and not a bunch of skanky girls.  We are NOT going to watch Bachelor Pad b/c it just looks way too raunchy and inappropriate.  Anyways, it’s always fun to spend time w/ Karri and Mary and I will miss getting together w/ them on Mondays.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Is your mom coming up here to see Rufio? How is she doing?