Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Darling & Durango

IMG_1046 When Autumn woke up this morning, she wanted to wear her Princess dress that she got from Papa & Mimi at the big family birthday party.  I told her if she wanted to wear it, then she had to wear a t-shirt and leggings b/c it’s so cold.  She was not very happy about that, but I told her it was that or she couldn’t wear the dress.  This is how she looked at first.

IMG_1047 But then she slowly started warming up when I told her how cute she looked.

IMG_1048 I finally got her to crack a smile and she was fine after this and we had breakfast and went about our normal morning routine and left for daycare.  I think she looks darling in this outfit, but only when she’s not be a stinker.

IMG_3605 I’ve been going straight home and checking the mail everyday after getting Autumn at daycare instead of going right over to Mom & Dad’s b/c I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the book I ordered of the 20 year anniversary of the Church in Slovenija, but it still hasn’t come.  Anyways, there was a fun and unexpected surprise in my mailbox.  It was some Good Mail from Jill.  I had won a give away on her blog of a Christmas CD back in December and she was awesome and sent it to me, but when I got it in the mail, it was broken in half.  So, she sent me another one plus a bonus CD of her “Girl Power” mixed CD.  She also sent this adorable & personalized thank you note w/ a picture of the package I had sent her.  I am so glad to have met such neat and fun people through blogging.

IMG_3606Anyways, we just hung out the rest of the evening and watched The Biggest Loser.  I was so sad it was only and hour long b/c of the State of the Union Address (which I did NOT watch by the way).  Autumn & I packed up our stuff to leave and Dad said he had a surprise for us.  We went outside and the Durango was sitting out in the driveway instead of the garage.  He said the Durango was ours to use indefinitely b/c he’s getting a new car soon.  I’m not going to post what type of car it is until he actually gets it and I can post pictures.  Autumn & I are THRILLED to get to use the Durango b/c my car is what Mom calls a “death trap”.  It’s so nice to be up high off the road not to mention the 6 CD player, heated seats, and ice chrome wheels.

We got home and I put Autumn to bed and then stayed up for a little bit to watch What Not To Wear and then I read in this month’s Ensign for a little bit and then it was off to dream land.

1 comment:

tara said...

Congrats on your new Durango !!!
I love how your parents take care of you & Autumn like that. My parents do the same for my sister & myself . We are very blessed and thankful to have such wonderful, generous parents in our lives !