Sunday, January 9, 2011

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

IMG_0874 Autumn was really good at church today, but the kids in my class weren’t.  They were really hyper for some reason and I think it was b/c of the snow.  When we walked into church at 9:00 am, there was not a flake of snow to be seen.  When we left at noon, there were 4 inches covering our cars and the streets.  All of the kids were thrilled, including Autumn.  We drove straight to Mom & Dad’s house, only going about 25 mph.  Mom stopped at my house to pick up Nick and get us some clothes since we’ll probably get iced in tonight.  Anyways, I walked in to Mom & Dad’s and noticed this right away.  It’s a cool metal thing that the people at the clinic gave to Mom & Dad as a gift.  I absolutely love it and think it’s such a neat gift.  They’re going to hang it up out by the pool.

IMG_0870 Mom & I made some soup for lunch b/c it was just fitting for such a cold and wintery day.  As soon as we were done eating, Autumn wanted to go outside and play in the snow.  She wanted to eat the snow more than anything.  I thought she would make snowballs to throw into the pool or make a snowman, but she just wanted to eat the snow.

IMG_0872I thought this was a really cool shot.

IMG_0876 After a while, Autumn & I got too cold, so I decided to bring the snow inside and told her we could make a snow cone made from real snow.  I put some snow in a bowl and poured some maraschino cherry juice on the snow to make it taste good.

IMG_0888 The snow was so wet and heavy that when Mom tried driving the Cadillac into the garage it kept sliding.  The back wheels just kept spinning and not going anywhere.  So, I went out and shoveled the driveway so she could try and get it in since Dad was coming home and needed to get the Durango up the driveway.  It did NOT go well and you can see from the tire marks where the car went backwards and slid off onto the neighbor’s lawn.

IMG_0897 Autumn just had a ball running around in the snow.  I thought she would complain about it being too cold, but she never said a word about it.  I’m glad she liked the snow so much.

IMG_0899 I loved seeing her sweet little footprints in the fresh white snow.

IMG_0907Dad got home and wondered what on Earth we had done to get the car off into the grass.  He thought we were ding bats for not being able to get it in the garage.  Well, he soon realized just how hard it was b/c the Cadillac has rear-wheel drive and he made it slide even further away from the garage.  He even put opened up cardboard boxes under the back wheels and that didn’t help.  Some of our neighbors noticed and came out to help us push.  After about 20 minutes of trying, 5 of us pushing and Dad steering, we were finally able to get it onto the cement and into the garage.

We spent the rest of the night all cozy and warm inside eating soup, drinking hot chocolate, and watching TV.  We watched Dinner With Schmucks (cute but too much sexual content for my liking), some football, and then Undercover Boss.  I am hoping the schools in the area are closed tomorrow so we can stay home and have a snow day.

1 comment:


Wish we were there with you to join in on the fun! Andrew LOVED seeing the pictures of the snow though & asked when we would play in the snow, too bad it didn't snow here! =(