Friday, January 7, 2011

Welcome Home, I Come Bearing Gifts

Today at work I read some more in the Book of Mormon and really liked 2 Nephi 1:30-32. It talks about how Zoram was blessed b/c he was friends with Nephi. Zoram was probably not happy when he found out Laban was killed and that the only way he could save himself was to follow Nephi out into the desert. But the Lord had great plans for him and he was blessed b/c he followed Nephi. Zoram must have been a great man for the Lord to save him and provide him a wife and to go through all the things Nephi & his family did. It’s such a good reminder about how important it is to have good friends and surround ourselves with good people. Also, a good reminder that even though we might have to go through something we don’t want to at the time, the Lord can see the big picture and we have to trust in that. Anyways, good stuff.

IMG_0807 After I got Autumn from daycare, we stopped at McDonald’s for dinner b/c I had a coupon for a free Happy Meal if I bought a regular meal. Autumn didn’t really go play on the playground very much b/c she preferred playing w/ the horse she picked out at the $1 Spot yesterday. I told her she could pick one thing and even though there were a bunch of princess things to choose from, she picked the horse. She’s had a blast playing with it, so I’m glad she’s gotten some joy out of it.


IMG_0815Anyways, after we ate we headed to the airport so we could pick up Mom & Dad from Utah. We actually waited for quite a while b/c their plane was late. Autumn made friends w/ a lady we sat next to, and it never ceases to amaze me how children have no fear of talking to strangers and just consider everyone a friend. It’s sad that we lose that ability as we get older. She kept hiding under the seats if she thought Mom & Dad were coming, but when they finally did come out she ran over to them and gave them a big hug.

IMG_0819 While we waited for the luggage to come out on the carousel, Dad busted out his phone and sat down on the floor w/ Autumn to watch Princess & The Frog. He’s such a good Papa & we are so glad that he and Mom made it home safely.

IMG_0821 When we got home, Dad told Autumn that he had a special treat for her. Then he got out these chocolates and I was so excited. Rufio buys them from some ladies that hand-make all of the chocolates and they are the best I’ve ever had in my life. Even better, way better, than Godiva.


IMG_0831 Mom had a present for me from Josh. He dresses in drag for Halloween every year and we just happen to wear the same size shoes & rings, so he sent these AWESOME boots home w/ Mom just for me. He also sent the shirt, some killer earrings, and an awesome owl ring. When I have the boots on, I’m even more of a giant than usual. Mom & I were laughing when I was standing next to her b/c she came to my shoulder and I didn’t realize it, but her face was right in my bosom (that’s why she’s making that face in the picture on the right)! LOL!

IMG_0828 Autumn got the little pink unicorn w/ her Happy Meal at McDonald’s and kept having me put it around her horse’s neck. Mom brought her a drawing pad from Rufio and Autumn wanted Dad to help her draw her horse. this is what he drew, which is way better than anything I could have drawn.

IMG_0832 Autumn was so excited about my boots from Josh b/c she said that she had boots just like mine and that we could be twinners. As soon as we got home, she ran in her room and came out w/ her pink cowgirl boots. She arranged them like this, and cracks me up.

IMG_0833 When we got our portraits done at Sears last month, we got a $20 off thing for, so I decided to do an 8x8 photo book of my trip to Slovenija. It came in the mail today and I LOVE it!

IMG_0835 The pictures look great and I think it looks like an actual travel book of Slovenija. I’m really happy with how it turned out and now I have something tangible to look at and remember my trip.

IMG_0836 Nick & I flipped back and forth between Reba & Say Yes To The Dress. At midnight he said he was hungry, so he drove to McDonald’s and got 3 chicken sandwiches and 2 cheeseburgers! He was hungry, b/c he at them ALL!

IMG_0838I bought these headbands at the $1 Spot at Target so Autumn could wear the crown one when I go to her class w/ treats for her birthday but Nick and I were in a silly mood b/c it was 1:00 in the morning and we decided to wear them and take a picture. Nick’s face makes me laugh.


Desperately Seeking Gina said...

Your Shutterfly book looks amazing!

Charlotta-love said...

I love that your MALE relative sends you FEMALE boots. Rock em, sista!