Friday, January 14, 2011

We’re Famous

IMG_3533Dad stopped by this morning to bring us some doughnuts, but Autumn had been up during the night again w/ her cough and so she did not want to wake up, even for doughnuts.  Dad said he would just keep her today for me so she didn’t have to go to daycare.  He went and slept in her bed until she woke up and then he took her over to his house.  He’s such a good Papa!

Today at work it was ridiculously slow, so my boss told me to leave at 4:00, and he didn’t have to tell me twice.  Mom asked me to stop at Sears and pick up our pictures that had come in.  I walked up to the counter and this is the first thing I saw…our silly picture w/ the pig noses had been printed off and framed and was on the counter!  They had asked us when we first ordered our pictures if that would be OK if they displayed that and we said sure.  So, now hundreds of people are going to see our pig nose picture.  LOL!

IMG_3534My stomach had been upset and was bothering me since I woke up, so I stopped at Sonic and got a Sunrise Smoothie for breakfast before heading to work.  When I got over to Mom & Dad’s after work, Mom made Cabbage & Noodle salad (she added grilled chicken to it) for dinner and it was so SCRUMPTIOUS and just hit the spot.  We spent the rest of the evening watching OWN, the new Oprah Winfrey Network.  Autumn fell asleep around 7:30 and since I didn’t want to wake her up to take her home, we just slept over at Mom & Dad’s in Nate’s room.

1 comment:

Charlotta-love said...

I LOVE that your family is on display! Love.It.