Friday, February 11, 2011

Autumn Is Starting College On Monday

IMG_3661The reason I made cookies last night was b/c it’s Autumn’s last day of school today.  I wanted to take some treats into her teachers, so I put the cookies in little sandwich baggies and then at work I tied them w/ curling ribbon and cut out some little tags that said how much of a “treat” it was to know them and thank you for all they had done.

IMG_3662 When I picked Autumn up today, we went around and gave her teachers and some of the other daycare workers the treats.  When we gave Ms. Michelle her cookies, she was SO SAD that Autumn was leaving.  She started to cry, which made me cry.  Ms. Michelle was so good to Autumn and had a loving nickname for Autumn, “Choctaw.”

DSC05174 It was so sad to say goodbye to the teachers there, b/c Autumn has been going there since she was 8 months old.  Here is a picture of her on her first day of daycare.  She’s grown up so much since then.  She went around and gave all of her classmates a hug and it was funny to see that most of them only came to her shoulder.

IMG_3663 After we left, I told Autumn why this was going to be her last day.  Mom was talking to Lexie a while ago and Lexie was telling her about the preschool that Andrew goes to.  Mom was really impressed w/ what she heard and looked the preschool up on the internet and was surprised to find there was one only a few miles from our house.  So, she looked into it and liked their curriculum and their facilities and thought it would be a good idea if we switched Autumn to that place.  They have smaller class sizes and focus a lot on numbers and letters and learning to write.

Anyways, we went over to check out the new preschool so Autumn could see her classroom and meet her new teachers.  I thought she was going to be sad, but she was really excited.  I was really positive about the whole thing and told her how fun it’s going to be to have new friends and a new place to play.  When we pulled up to the school she said, “Oh, boy!  I get to go to college!”  I started laughing b/c it took me by surprise that she even knew what college was.  I love the cute and funny things she says.  So I played along and told her that we were going to see her new college.  She loved it and I loved it and I’m excited she gets to start there on Monday.

We got home and Mom told Autumn she had a present for her.  Autumn didn’t know what it was but started jumping up and down when she saw that it was pink and had princesses on it.

IMG_3666 She was even more excited when she found out it was a sleeping bag for her to use at her new school during naptime.  She climbed right into it and was smiling from ear to ear.

IMG_3667Mom made enchiladas for dinner and they were super yummy.  She found these books at Goodwill for 75 cents and sat and looked at them w/ Autumn.  It was so cute.  We just spent the evening watching TV and spending time together.  Before I knew it, it was already 9:45, so we went home and went to bed.  We have a fun day planned for tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jobi Niu said...

That'll be great for Autumn I'm sure! Change is usually good :) her hair is s long & pretty!! That is so sweet of your Mom to get that sleeping bag for her! My boys would LOVE those books as well.:)