Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ice, Ice, Baby

IMG_3655 Yep, we got more ice and snow here last night.  Yesterday we had a high of 51 degrees and then we woke up this morning to a sheet of ice covered by a little bit of snow.  Nick had to be to work at 9:00, and I didn’t have to go into work and Autumn didn’t have school.  So, Dad came over and got us all and we drove Nick to work and then got a few groceries that Mom needed us to pick up.  I know this picture is blurry, but it’s the only one I got in the store.

IMG_3656 This was our view on the drive home.  There was still snow coming down and the roads were pretty bad.  Thank goodness we have Nick’s car which has front wheel drive and does pretty well in the snow.

IMG_3657 The scariest part of the drive is the little country road that leads to our subdivision and then the road into our subdivision.  They both have sloping curves and the sand trucks don’t come and sand them.  But, we made it to Mom & Dad’s safe and sound with no accidents.  While we were at Nick’s work, we looked at the Red Box to see if there were any good movies we wanted to rent, but we had seen all the good ones.  So, we ended up watching Harry Potter #3 b/c Dad wants to watch all of them to get caught up to the most recent one.

IMG_1381 Mom was pretty out of it b/c she took a muscle relaxant to help her back.  So, I made spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner.  Dad is such a nice guy and always goes out and takes the garbage truck guys a soda drink. 

IMG_1387 He also goes around and puts away all of the neighbors’ garbage cans and recycling cans away.  Even though it was still cold outside, Autumn wanted to go outside and help Papa.  We spent the rest of the evening watching American Idol and then Modern Family.  Nothing really exciting, but it was fun to stay home and spend time with Autumn & Mom & Dad.

1 comment:

Mommy said...

I also take the garbage man a soda or a candy bar. Not every time, but it makes their day when I do. Maybe I got the idea from your Dad or Aunt Sandy. hmmmm.