Sunday, April 10, 2011

Batmobiles & Bluebonnets

IMG_2094 I woke up at 7:00 am even though I was tired from being up late the past 2 nights b/c I had to get myself ready and then wake Autumn up and get her ready to go over to Mom & Dad’s by 8:00.  I made sure everyone was awake and dressed in church clothes so we could leave by 8:30 to go take pictures in the bluebonnets.  Andrew was so excited b/c he got to ride in the Batmobile w/ Papa.
IMG_2099 We went to our favorite little hill that is COVERED in bluebonnets to get our pictures.  There was a Dad there taking pictures of his little boy and baby girl so we moved a little ways down to make sure we weren’t in their way.  Here’s Papa and his cute grandbabies (even though his eyes are closed).
IMG_2103 We let Autumn wear her Easter dress just to take pictures.  I made sure to tell her multiple times before putting it on that she could only wear it for bluebonnet pictures so it wouldn’t be an issue when I had to change her into another dress for church.
IMG_2106 More kissing cousin pictures.  Again, I’ll keep taking them as long as the kids will do it.
IMG_2109 What a cute family picture.
IMG_2122 Mom & Dad w/ the grandbabies
IMG_2127 Great Grandma, Grandma, Grandpa, Grandbabies.  They’re all GRAND!
IMG_2131 Girls only picture.
The wind started to pick up a little bit at this point, which is why I have my head turned to the side to try and keep my mange under control.
IMG_2147 I brought the tripod and set it up on the self timer, pushed the button, and ran to get into place.  The wind was behind us at this point and so mine and Lexie’s hair dos were messed up, but that’s ok.  I’m just glad we were able to get a family picture w/ Rufio in it.  All we were missing was Nate.  :(
IMG_2163 I love this picture of Mom & Dad.
IMG_2149 Just so you can see how bad the wind was, and to prove that we have to take about 15 pictures just to get one decent one, here is a wind blown look of Lexie & I.  And Autumn’s face cracks me up.  It’s like she’s looking at me thinking, “What are you doing, Mom?”
IMG_2187 I gave Dad my camera and asked him to take a few pictures of Autumn & I.  this is the best we got.  The sun had been behind clouds for most of our photo shoot and decided to come out of hiding and Autumn kept squinting b/c she thought it was too bright.
IMG_2192 So peaceful & serene.
IMG_2194 A close up of our beautiful Texas bluebonnets.  Getting bluebonnet pictures is something I look forward to every single spring.  I’m so happy we discovered “our place” last year where we can go every year now to take pictures.  I remember when we lived in Central Texas there were bluebonnets all over on the little hills next to the highway, but we haven’t found that where we live now.  So, this is “our place” and we’ll come here every year as long as we can.
woman issue of blood Mom & Dad & Nick & Rufio went to church, Lexie & Jon & Andrew went home, and Autumn & I went to our ward.  We were a little late, but that’s ok.  Today for the lesson in Sunday School we were talking about when Jesus healed people.  I brought this picture by Simon Dewey of the Woman With The Issue of Blood.  I LOVE this woman and the courage and strength and faith she had to have.  Anyways, I showed them the picture, told them the story, and played the song Close Enough to Touch (which I also LOVE).  They listened to about 35 seconds of it and then the boys started being silly so I turned it off and told them I wasn’t going to share something so special to me with them if they were going to not appreciate it.  We spent the last 3 minutes of class just talking about other things.  I was really disappointed b/c I really wanted them to feel the Spirit and understand how incredible the miracles are that Jesus performed.  Oh, well….maybe next week I can try again with them.
IMG_2198 After church, Autumn didn’t even want to come home and change first.  She wanted to go straight to Papa & Mimi’s so she could see Andrew.  We all sat down together and had carrots, roast, potatoes, and gravy.  Mom is such a good cook and I love that we have so many meals together around the table.  I think it helps to make and keep families strong.  After we ate,  Mom busted out a box of zebra cakes for dessert.  I was showing Lexie & Nick our bluebonnet pictures and had Mom take a picture of us 3 kids sitting on the love seat together eating our zebra cakes.  We missed having Nathan here.
IMG_2201 Lexie & Jon had to pack up and head home so they could get unpacked and ready for the coming week.  We told the kids to go give Rufio a big hug and kiss.  I tried to get them to kiss her on the cheek at the same time, but it didn’t work.  Andrew would be kissing her and Autumn wouldn’t.  Then I happened to capture a picture where Autumn was and Andrew wasn’t.  Oh, well.  What matters is that they love her and they know she loves them.
IMG_2205 I had to get a picture of the two ladies that both love purple.
IMG_2207After they left, Autumn wanted to watch movies in Mom & Dad’s room so I went and put one on for her and then Mom & Rufio & I got busy taping more of Rufio’s stories.  We taped for about 3 hours and ended up with a total of 34 files, and 12.3 GB.  We had to stop twice b/c my card ran out of room and I had to download the files onto my computer so we could tape some more.  When we were finally done, Autumn came in and said she wanted a popsicle and we told Rufio she had earned one b/c of all the stories she told.  Mom’s was sugar free just in case you were worried.
IMG_2208Autumn came and sat by me on the love seat and wanted me to play Pecos Bill for her on my  laptop.  I did and before I knew it, she had laid her head against my arm and had fallen asleep.  I laid her on the love seat and left to go to a Single Adult fireside.  Sis. Quenzer spoke on faith & hope and Sis. Wright spoke about charity.  Sis. Wright used this stool as an object lesson about how we have to have all 3 in our lives.  This usually sits unnoticed in the corner of Mom & Dad’s room.  But, I will never look at it the same again.  I am so glad I went and my heart was filled w/ the Spirit.
I got back to Mom & Dad’s house and Autumn had just woken up.  We had a little bite of food to eat and then we came home so we could go to bed and be ready for the week ahead.  It was a WONDERFUL weekend full of family & food & fun.


Braulio, Alison, Kirra, and Liahm said...

I love your blue bonnet pictures they are so beautiful!!!

Charlotta-love said...

Those bluebonnet pictures are GREAT!!!