Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Day Off With Rufio

IMG_1928 We slept in until 8:00 today b/c Mom & Rufio & I didn’t go to bed until 1:30 am!  When I got home from the basketball game Mom & Rufio were still awake and we ended up talking and laughing and just having a grand old time.  At one point we were all laughing so hard we had to get tissues and wipe the tears out of our eyes.

Autumn and I ate breakfast and then went home so we could change clothes and get ready for the day.  I took her to college and then went over to Mom & Dad’s.  Mom went to a doctor’s appt and Rufio got ready for the day while I edited some photos and blogged.  Then when Rufio was ready, we left and met Mom at the $1 jewelry store.  They were acting like Fashionistas and showing off some big huge rings.

IMG_1929 This is just one wall of the jewelry they have there.  I am LOVING the bright spring colors and wanted to buy tons of necklaces but kept my purchases to a minimum.

IMG_1930 We found a necklace that matched Rufio’s fashionable outfit perfectly so she wore it out of the store.  After buying our jewelry we decided to find somewhere to eat lunch.

IMG_1931  We ended up going to Pei Wei and it was pretty good.  We saw a big group of ladies getting together for lunch.  They looked like a fun group, but I was glad to be w/ the group I was with.

IMG_1933Here were our fortunes.  Rufio’s was the top one (that she ripped), mine was the middle, and Mom’s was the bottom one.  Mom left from Pei Wei to go get Dad at the airport and Rufio and I went shopping.  We tried finding a dress for Rufio, so we went to Ross and then Dress Barn and finally Talbot’s.  Rufio was able to find a cute skirt at Ross but no dresses.  We came home and Mom & Dad & Rufio all took naps while I blogged and Nick & I watched Ruby.  I like her and think we would be good friends if I met her in real life.

IMG_1934 It was 3:30 at this point and I had to go get Autumn in 2 hours, so I made Mom & Rufio sit down on the couch so I could video tape them talking.  Yesterday they had made a 6 page list (front & back) of stories we wanted Rufio to talk about on video.  So, I set up the video camera and they talked and talked and talked.  It was perfect timing b/c my memory card was full right as it was time to go get Autumn.

IMG_1937 I went and got Autumn & we came home and had beet greens (fresh from the garden), asparagus, red beans & rice, and boudin for dinner.  Curt just happened to stop by right as we were eating to see Rufio.  He’s so funny and always make sure to give her a kiss and tease her about marrying her if Mary dies.

IMG_1938We told him to pull up a chair and have some dinner w/ us.  After we ate, we just sat and talked for a while.  I took Autumn home at 8:00 b/c she had been up so late last night, and she needed to go to bed early.  I got her to bed and then folded some laundry and watched some TV and went to bed early too b/c I had been up late the night before and we have a big day planned for tomorrow.

I am so glad that I was able to take the day off of work and spend some good quality time w/ Rufio.  I have such a special bond and connection with her and truly consider her a close friend and not just my grandma.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I'm so glad you have this time to spend with your grandma, and that Autumn can make some memories of her great-grandma. :)