Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Project Life Tuesday ~ Week 21

IMG_6068 Here’s week 21.  It was full of lots of FUN things.

Monday~ Mom went w/ Dad to a shooting range, shot a gun for the first time ever, and surprised even herself w/ how good of a shot she is.

Tuesday~ Autumn & Dad & I went to dinner at McDonald’s and Autumn for sure takes after her Papa b/c she loves to make sandwiches out of anything.  She made a sandwich out of the top bun of my Big Mac, then a layer of ketchup, then her chicken nuggets, and fries to top it off!  LOL!

Wednesday~ This is a rose from Mother’s Day that is now dried out.  It wasn’t very pretty in color, but looked awesome when I changed it to b&w.

Thursday~ Surprise 25th birthday for Liz

Friday~ Autumn had a MAJOR melt down and I had to bring her home to cool down before we could go back to Papa & Mimi’s to swim and play w/ Andrew

Saturday~ I spent ALL day (5:45 am – 8:30 pm) volunteering at the Special Olympics w/ a huge group of kids from our church.  It was such an AAHH-MAZING experience.  Autumn got to go to the aquarium w/ Lexie & Jon & Andrew while I was gone all day.

Sunday~ I don’t know why the picture is so dark that I printed out.  Autumn & Andrew & I had a sleepover in Curt & Mary’s tree house.

This was such a fun week.  There were a lot of big and exciting and memorable events, which is not how our life is all the time.  But, it’s fun to have weeks like this every once in a while.  It balances out the small and mundane things.

I am linked up over at The Mom Creative.



packmom said...

Love that b&w rose. Too funny about the McD self made sandwich--she's creative!

HILL HESS said...

I love this idea of summing up your week in a post.

I don't know what is wrong with my blog lately. Says I can't put text in and now you can't even see my pics- I have so much to update I keep putting it off....Maybe someday I will hunker down and figure this all out.

Love reading yours, though!! :)