Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day 2012

P1070690 We got up this morning and had a nice and leisurely morning.  We just hung out in jammies and watched cartoons and snuggled.  We finally got dressed and ran to Kroger & WalMart to get a few groceries.  Autumn wasn’t sure what to think of this display at WalMart.  I think it’s really cool looking.  She eventually decided it was cool, too, and went and stood by the Dr. Pepper box football player.

P1070692 We had started this castle puzzle last night that Mom & Dad had gotten while they were in Germany on their Scandinavian cruise.  It was a booger of a puzzle and not even fun, so we took a pic of how far we had gotten and then put it back in the box.  We started another one, but it also has lots of shading and similar colors so it also might end up going back in the box before we finish it.

P1070695 Mom & Jeri & Mary were upstairs quilting and sewing so I went upstairs to chat w/ them for a while.  Then when Dad got home from work & Maggie came over, we had a shrimp boil.  Aunt Jeri had never been to one before, and she seemed to like it.  Especially just rolling up the tin foil and throwing it away for the clean up.  She’s trying lots of firsts, and even worked up enough courage to dive off the diving board a few times!

P1070699 Dad & I got in trouble w/ Mom for putting Emma on this surfboard.  Poor thing was shaking like a leaf, but she didn’t fall in and I think getting part of her body wet cooled her off b/c she had been panting in this 100 degree heat.

P1070702 We finished swimming around 6:30 and Autumn & I came home so we could get cleaned up and make some chocolate chip cookies.  We used Steve’s recipe, and Autumn was such a good helper!  I love how she decided to accessorize her pajamas w/ this cute headband.  Always the fashionista.

P1070703I got the idea for this from Lolly Jane.  Autumn wrote on an extra Clemetine Project Life card I had, and did so great on the front.  Then when she had to write “you as my teacher” on the back, she had a melt down b/c she wrote one of the letters wrong and had to cross it out.  She cried b/c she said it was ugly and her teacher and the other kids were going to make fun of her.  I kept assuring her that no one but her teacher was going to see it, and that her teacher was going to love it.  She was beyond being consoled, so I just went and put her in bed and talked to her about how the only 2 things that matter are school are that she 1) tries her best, and 2) that she is nice to everyone.  I need to keep reminding her that perfection is not the goal and that it’s ok to make mistakes.

While I finished making cookies, I watched The Family That Preys b/c it was on TV.  It made me miss Tara so much that I cried huge sobbing tears.  I went and saw that movie in the theater on 9/26/2008, and during the movie I kept thinking how Tara & I would have to see it together b/c it has 2 friends that go on a road trip and how much fun they have.  After the movie was over, I found out that Tara had passed away that night!  So, all those feelings and emotions came back to the surface tonight as I watched the movie again.  Also, in the movie one of the friends dies, which brought up even more tears.

I can’t believe that this month will mark 4 years since Tara died.  I still find myself wanting to pick up the phone to call and talk to her.  She was and is my best friend and I miss her so much it hurts.  She is a kindred spirit and even though I have a close knit group of great friends, I just had such a special bond w/ her that I don’t have w/ my other friends.

Anyways, when Nick got home at 9:30 I took some of the cookies I had made over to Christine’s and shared them while we talked and watched Downtown Abbey.  I was really quiet tonight b/c the other ladies have so much going on in their lives that they need to vent about and discuss, so I just sat and listened.  I miss my Tara!!!

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