Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pumpkin Carving & YW Worries

IMG_4981 To be honest, I am not a big fan of carving pumpkins.  It’s messy, they’re a pain to cut, and they only last for a few days before getting moldy.  But, it’s a fun activity we can do as a family, it creates memories, and it’s tradition.  It’s funny to watch how each person approaches it.  Papa & Autumn were careful and drew what they wanted theirs to look like before carving it.

IMG_4988 Then there’s Nate & Riannon who went the creative route and looked up a minion pattern online.  Nate’s such a silly goober & insisted on wearing the top of the pumpkin for the picture.

IMG_5002We had a minion throwing up (Nate & Riannon), a pumpkin w/ a runny & snotty nose (Papa & Autumn), and a nice normal one (Mom & I).

IMG_4999Mom cut our top, I scooped it out, and she carved it.  Then Mom & Autumn & I sorted through all the innards to get the seeds out so we can toast them.  Here’s what our pumpkins look like out on the sidewalk.

Tonight at Young Women’s I was in charge and we did a personal progress activity.  In the past we would have the girls come and just work on whatever they wanted.  It was a little chaotic, so my presidency and I decided to change it up a little bit.  We did Divine Nature #1 and it went pretty well.  I split the girls into 3 groups & each group read one of the scriptures and looked for the divine qualities in that scripture.  Then I had them write the qualities on the board & pick one they want to work on.  I had them write down on a paper I had for them what they will do to work on it.  I had them share what they wrote if they wanted to.  I think it was a good activity, b/c we left there having accomplished something.  We even had a few iPads so the girls could talk to a leader and get it updated online on the spot.

We had an issue tonight w/ 2 girls, so a leader took them out in the hall to have a chat w/ them.  It did NOT end well and it makes me so sad.  I support the leader 110% and just hope that these girls will realize that we’re not the enemy.  We get on their case b/c we LOVE them and see that they’re not making good choices.  I’m going to have to increase the intensity of my prayers for these girls and seek the Spirit even more as to how to help them.  At the same time, we still have to take care of the other “99 sheep” while seeking out how to help the “one.”

1 comment:

Jen T said...

Good luck with the YW. Sometimes the only thing you can do is love them, let them know your expectations, but also your love. It is hard. Good luck! Love your pumpkins! Hope you had a fun Halloween!