Sunday, April 24, 2016

Bishop's "Autumn Tie"

I got a text message from my Laurel Adviser this morning saying she had come down with a horrible headache and she asked if I could teach for her. I hurried and pulled some lessons I had put together last year and threw a lesson together. We reviewed the "homework" I had sent home with the girls about the Book of Mormon last Sunday. Then we talked about the First Vision and what we can learn from it.

I had to stay after church for a super quick meeting, and Autumn was SO HAPPY to see that Bishop was wearing his "Autumn tie." I told them we had to snap a pic to compare how much she's grown & changed in 3 years.

We came home, ate a quick lunch, and then I had a YW Presidency meeting. We went longer than our usual hour, b/c we were talking about YW Camp. It is just a little over a month away, and I am super stressed out about it. We made a decision to keep it super simple and move the location to make it even easier on us leaders. I'm super excited about the change.

After the meeting I took a little cat nap and then at 7:00 I went over to the church for the Stake Young Womanhood Recognition Awards. We had 2 girls being honored this year, and I'm so proud of them for completing their Personal Progress (and one of the 2 got her Honor Bee). It was a wonderful evening, and I left feeling very spiritually fed.

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