Wednesday, June 1, 2016

YW Camp Certification

 This is what her hair looks like after I cut the 9" off last night. I know it's uneven, but it was the best I could do under the circumstances. I reached out to a few friends who are hair dressers to see if they can fix/even out the bottom for me, but for now it will just have to do.

 For YW tonight we were combined and we did camp certification. I split the 4 YCL's up and had them each be in charge of teaching a class. We split the remaining girls & leaders into 5 groups and had them rotate for 10 minutes at each station. This one was flag folding, compass, and knots.

 This one was water purification & food sanitation.

 This one was fire building & safety.

The 5th group was taught by Sis. H, who is our nurse for camp. Her 40 minute class was on First Aid. After the first 40 minutes, the groups switched and those that were taught by the YCL's went to First Aid, and the First Aid group split up into 4 groups and were taught by the YCL's. One of the YCL's didn't come and didn't bother to tell me, so I jumped in and covered her class which was on building a shelter & signaling for help.

It wasn't nearly as fun as last year's certifications with Bro. S, but it got the job done.

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