Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Project Life Tuesday ~ Week 31 & Slate Edition

IMG_0008 Monday ~ On the way to school this morning Autumn asked if we could have a Mommy/Daughter date tonight.  So, we had Subway for dinner & then went to Yogurtville & used a gift card I had.  We had the place to ourselves & she had fun dancing around to the music in the shop.

Tuesday ~ Deb texted me & invited Autumn & I to come play w/ them at the splash pad after work.  We ran into a friend of theirs that was in their Kindergarten class.  We all went into Purple Cow to get some ice cream.  It was a great evening!

Wednesday ~ I love days like today at work where it was busy, but not stressful busy.  It made the day go by fast.  Then it was slow in the late afternoon, so I was able to file all these finished job folders that were invading my desk space.

Thursday ~ Mom is so stinkin’ talented!  She had put this quilt together when she found out Nate was getting married.  But, she said it didn’t feel like it was their quilt b/c she wanted to make a different one for them.  So, she saved it & quilted it, made a label, hand stitched the label on, & is going to give it to Kelsey & Landon for their wedding gift.

Friday ~ Autumn was so excited to go to Kelsey’s reception tonight.  She was thrilled that her outfit just happened to match the decor perfectly.  My favorite thing was the photo booth.  We put one in a book for them & we got to take one home.  At the end of the night we got to take home a floral centerpiece.

Saturday ~ Autumn had cheer camp this morning so I went & dropped her off, got a Market Street burrito, got my nails done, got a bunch of clothes for Autumn at Once Upon A Child, picked Autumn up from cheer camp, and then we went to Papa & Mimi’s to swim.  It was the perfect weather & pool water temp.  Autumn wanted to do my hair when we were done swimming.  She told me that I had to hold my bangs so I would be pretty.  LOL!

Sunday ~ Autumn loves to play cards lately, so after church & eating dinner at Mom & Dad’s we played a few rounds of Go Fish.  She likes to play Old Maid, but it’s hard w/ just 2 people.  Plus, she has no concept of a poker face & laughs so hard when she has Old Maid or when someone takes it from her.

IMG_9993 My parents went down to Austin this weekend to visit my sister, and I was THRILLED that they brought back the Slate edition that I had pre-ordered from Archiver’s.  It also came w/ this free pack of 3 Project Life pens.

IMG_9997 This picture makes me SO HAPPY!  This is the first time Autumn’s shown any interest in Project Life.  She asked if she could help, so I let her put all the cards in the front page.

IMG_0001 Then she helped me lay out all the cards by color.  I put the filler side on the front and the journaling side peeking out behind it.  We did the rows by color of the filler card & then the columns by color of the journaling card.

IMG_0003I put the date cards in order of how I wanted them, and then we paired up the filler/journaling cards that we thought went w/ each date card.  She put all 52 date cards into the pocket pages and then said her arms were hurting.  LOL!  I took over and filled in the 52 weeks w/ the journaling cards.  I really like the bright and fun colors paired with the clean lines & graphics in the Slate edition.

I am linked up over at The Mom Creative.



Jen T said...

Love the Slate edition. Are you going to use that for next year? What a cool idea to have a photo booth at the reception! Looks like a fun week! So cute Autumn helped with your Project Life! You are raising a great scrapbooker there!

Craftcherry said...

Oh my goodness. look at you all organized for next year. Way to go. I LOVE LOVE when my kiddos show and interest in PL, makes my heart so happy.

packmom said...

So cute her helping you like that. Glad she is showing interest. That is a really beautiful quilt and how sun to have a mom and daughter date night.