Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Project Life Tuesday ~ Week 27

IMG_6393Week 27 was full of lots of everyday things (which is one of the many reasons I ♥ ♥ ♥ Project Life) and then a few out of the ordinary things (like the 4th of July):

Monday ~ I noticed that gas prices have been falling, so I took a pic the past 3 times I filled up my car.  I am LOVING this trend and hope it continues.  I remember when I got gas for 99 cents a gallon in high school, and now I get so excited when it looks like it might be less than $3.00 a gallon!  Inflation is crazy.

Tuesday ~ Autumn & I woke up late this morning and I wanted to take a pic of the dashboard in the car, b/c that’s something we see every single day, and to show that we were just leaving the house at 8:30, which is when I’m usually sitting at my desk at work and firing up my computer.

Wednesday ~ Liz & her family came over to BBQ and swim and have a 4th of July party.  This picture makes me SO HAPPY b/c Liz’s Grandma & sister (who have not been in swimming suits for at least 8 years) both borrowed some swim suits and went swimming!  They said b/c I was so uninhibited by wearing a swimsuit, it made them feel comfortable enough to get in one.  That seriously made my whole day!

Thursday ~ (this link is the same as Monday’s) I stocked up on wall flower refills at the Bath & Body Works semi-annual sale.  But, I hate having all those boxes taking up room.  So, I took all the refills out of the boxes and put them in this tupperware container.  But, I hate not knowing what each scent is, so I wrote on the cap what each smell was w/ a sharpie.  Yeah for being organized!

Friday ~ Autumn is NOT a morning person, so to wake her up in the mornings I keep the big ceiling fan on and take off the covers.  That usually makes her cold enough that she’ll wake up and get her moving.  I went and got dressed and came back to find she had covered up w/ a pillow and gone back to sleep! LOL!

Saturday ~ I went and got my nails done today b/c they were SO grown out.  I noticed they were having a huge sale at the kids consignment store next door, so I went in to check it out.  I found some GREAT deals, and Autumn was so happy to try on all the clothes when I got home.  We also ran to Costco to get a few things and she wanted me to take her picture b/c she felt so pretty and grown up.

Sunday ~ Today after church I had Nick film a few more segments for my Biggest Loser video.  I also had him take some head shots, b/c they ask you to bring a current picture to the casting call.  These were the 2 best ones he got.

I am linked up over at The Mom Creative.



Claire said...

Biggest Loser, how exciting! I loved your layout!

Katie said...

Love that everyone got into the pool, even those who hadn't in a while! I always wonder why they put so much packaging around those wallflowers. Good tip to organize them and great you stocked up. I like those but when they are full price they are $$$!

packmom said...

I like the blue on your pages this week. It looks refreshing. Good luck with the Biggest Looser casting call.