I am still LOVING picking One Little Word (idea from Ali Edwards) each year. I’m not a big fan of long lists of goals and resolutions, so focusing on just one word each year is right up my alley. Here is my list of words from the past 6 years.
I didn’t do very much w/ my 2013 word as far as focusing it & consciously seeking it out. I didn’t fall IN love, I didn’t get IN shape, etc. But, I do feel so grateful that I went INto the temple in the 2nd half of the year & that I felt INspiration there. I also got to meet Becky Higgins IN person, which I never could have anticipated would happen. Overall, 2013 was a great year.
“The waves smashed through the lower windows of the lighthouse, ripped the front door, flooded the tower and washed away the furniture. Lighthouse keeper Théodore Malgorn decided to take refuge up in the lantern room while waiting to be rescued.
About the same time, photographer Jean Guichard was in Lorient hiring a helicopter to take aerial pictures of the storm. Guichard wanted to fly over the Iroise Sea despite extremely dangerous flying conditions.
The helicopter made it to La Jument and hovered around for Guichard to take shots of the waves pounding the lighthouse. Inside the tower, Théodore Malgorn heard what he thought was his rescue helicopter and hurried downstairs to open the door.
At that very moment, a giant wave rose over the rear of the lighthouse and Guichard took his world-famous shots as the wave smashed against the tower. Théodore Malgorn, suddenly realizing that a giant wave was about to engulf the structure, rushed back inside just in time to save his life.”
In the past few years, I’ve tried to have a picture, a scripture, and a song that go along with my OLW. This year I have 2 scriptures …
D&C 88:11 “And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings;”
D&C 50:24 “That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.”
This year my song is, “A Light On A Hill” by Jenny Phillips (click on the link to listen to the song).
You are just one light in the darkness
Traveling by faith
But just one light
Is hope to the ones who've lost their way
Traveling by faith
But just one light
Is hope to the ones who've lost their way
You are a light on a hill
It cannot be hidden
Cannot be still
Sharing His light
'Til the whole world is filled
You are a light on a hill
You are a light on a hill
It cannot be hidden
Cannot be still
Sharing His light
'Til the whole world is filled
You are a light on a hill
In a world that's lost and lonely
Heaven works through you
Bringing hope to those who are searching
For the truth
Heaven works through you
Bringing hope to those who are searching
For the truth
Father rejoices on high
For the beauty that fills up your life
In all that you do
You have been true
And others can see Him through you
For the beauty that fills up your life
In all that you do
You have been true
And others can see Him through you
This year I want to be so full of the light of Christ that I shine. It reminds me of a great talk by Elaine S. Dalton entitled, “Now Is The Time To Arise & Shine!” I love this part in the talk:
“When our daughter, Emi, was a little girl, she liked to watch my every move as I got ready for church. After observing my routine, she would comb her hair and put on her dress, and then she would always ask me to put on some “shiney.” The “shiney” she referred to was thick, gooey cream that I used to prevent wrinkles. As requested, I would put it on Emi’s cheeks and lips, and she would then smile and say, “Now we are ready to go!” What Emi didn’t realize is that she already had her “shiney” on. Her face glowed because she was so pure and innocent and good. She had the Spirit with her, and it showed.
I wish every young woman assembled here tonight would know and understand that your beauty—your “shine”—does not lie in makeup, gooey cream, or the latest clothing or hairstyles. It lies in your personal purity. When you live the standards and qualify for the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, you can have a powerful impact in the world. Your example, even the light in your eyes, will influence others who see your “shine,” and they will want to be like you. Where do you get this light? The Lord is the light, “and the Spirit enlighteneth every man through the world, that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit.” A divine light comes into your eyes and countenances when you draw close to your Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. That’s how we get the “shiney”!”
“Beautiful means “full of beauty.” Beautiful is not about the appearance of your outsides- beautiful is about what you’re made of. Beautiful women are women who spend time discovering what they love – what sings to them –what their idea of beauty on this Earth is. Then they make time each day to fill themselves up with that beauty. They know themselves well enough to know what they love (for me it’s Project Life), and they love themselves enough to fill up with a little of their particular kind of beauty each day.”
So, I guess my focus this year will be on improving myself, and letting that light shine. I plan on doing that by going to the temple more, being better about reading scriptures, and just improving my relationship w/ my Heavenly Father & Savior. As a by product of that, I hope that I can be a positive influence & a force for good in the world. I’m really looking forward to what 2014 brings and how my OLW will manifest itself in my life.
1 comment:
Awesome! love your focus! Here's to a great year to come!!
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