Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Project Life Tuesday ~ Week 33


Monday ~ Mom called when I was on my way to get Autumn & said she was getting her nails done & to bring Autumn up to the nail place to get her eyebrows waxed.  They had grown in again and were looking bad.  Autumn got her nails done & she didn’t want me in the room when they waxed her eyebrows…she wanted Mimi in there.

Tuesday ~ My car died on the way to work.  I was able to get to the mechanic (even though it died 2 more times on the way there).  Mom let me borrow her Cadillac so I could get to & from work.  But, she wanted it back for the drive down to Austin to visit Lexie, so I had to drive the Corvette instead.  So sad that my “rental car” choices are a Cadillac or Corvette, huh?  (I realize how incredibly spoiled rotten I am).

Wednesday ~ Tonight for Young Women’s we met at Sis. Lee’s house b/c the Young Women are doing a Book of Mormon read-a-thon.  They will read the whole Book of Mormon in two 8 hour days.  We listened to it & read along.  I was only there for an hour, but it was so neat to read it this way.

Thursday ~ For cheer practice last night, Coach Rachel had the girls wear their new uniforms.  I wasn’t able to be there b/c of Young Women’s, so I had to do a little photo shoot of Autumn before I left.  She looked SO CUTE in her uniform w/ her pom poms.  She was SO PROUD of herself b/c she tied her shoes by herself for the first time ever tonight!  WOO HOO!!!

Friday ~ Since Autumn & I were on our own tonight (Mom & Dad are in Austin for Jackson’s 2nd birthday party), we got Subway for dinner & went over to Mom & Dad’s house to let Emma dog out.  We watched Tuck Everlasting, which is the book I read on my Utah plane trips.  It was a good movie & stuck closely to the book.  I like the actress Alexis Bledel.

Saturday ~ I went to the temple again this morning & then Karri went w/ me to get my car from the dealership (over $600 later)!!!  Autumn & I cleaned like mad women to be ready for a Girl’s Night Luau at our house.  We only had 4 of the 7 we had planned on, but it was such a blast & I’m so glad to have such great friends.

Sunday ~ It’s become a tradition for Autumn & I to watch a movie together in bed on Sunday afternoons.  She always wants chips for a snack while we watch our movie.  Usually we’re at Mom & Dad’s house, but we stayed at our house today.  We picked 17 Miracles.  I also have to mention that this morning Papa caught a skunk in a live trap out in the garden, so we went and released it near the lake.  So much fun!!!

I am linked up over at The Mom Creative.



Jen T said...

We watched 17 Miracles on Sunday too! Great movie! That is a fun tradition! Glad your car got fixed, and love Autumn in her cheer uniform--so cute! have a great week!

packmom said...

Look at your little cheer girl--so cute! I bet she is having so much fun. I'm had car troubles last week too. It was battery and so stranded me. Hate that!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your car - but you are definitely spoiled having to choose between a Corvette and a Caddy - lol :)